electric shock in the hospital was suddenly abolished Thorazine advertisement, 1955.
Mental Hospitals, Vol. 6, No. 12.

reduces need for electroshock therapy
For example, at Rochester Stte Hospital, New York, "most of
the electric shock in the hospital was suddenly abolished and
'Thorazine' was substituted... The number of patients receiving
electric shock has fallen from a former level of 300 to only 9."
                Pollack, B.: M. Times 83:439 (May) 1955.
'Thorazine' Hydrochloride is available in 10 mg., 25 mg., 50 mg.
and 100 mg. tablets; 25 mg. (1cc.) and 50 mg. (2cc.) ampuls;
and syrup (10 mg./5cc.)
Additional information on 'Thorazine' is available on request.
Smith, Kline & French Laboratories, Philadelphia 1
Now, available to mental hospitals: 'Thorazine' 200 mg.
tablets -- for economy and convenience in treating
patients on the higher dosage regimens.

*T.M. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. for S.K.F.'s brand of chlorpromazine.

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