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Ritalin advertisement, 1964 British Medical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 5405, p. ix. Femme en Chemise by Picasso... one of a series of colour prints now being mailed to doctors.   © by S.P.A.D.E.M., Paris, 1964. Lethargy and fatigue are often a problem after childbirth, in convalescence, mild depression, over sedation, the menopause and in many old patients. The gentle action of Ritalin quickly restores mental and physical activity. When you hear "Doctor, I always feel so tired" the answer may be Ritalin® (Methylphenidate-hydrochloride) the well tried* antilethargic Tablets of 10 mg. Basic NHS price 100 - 7/10d       *In wide usage since 1955       CIBA One of the 28,000 visitors to see the show [1932 Picasso retrospective in Zürich] was Carl Jung, and the result of his confrontation with an overview of Picasso's oeuvre was a devastating piece that appeared in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung on November 13, 1932.   Struck by the similarity between Picasso's work and the drawings of his schizophrenic patients, Jung declared Picasso a schizophrenic, expressing in his work a recurrent, characteristic motif "of the descent into hell, into the unconscious, and the farewell to the world above."   – Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington, "Picasso: Creator and Destroyer, " The Atlantic Monthly, June 1988 [emphasis added]. |