With the use of Coriforte Capsules, post influenza depression is not seen. Formula includes caffeine, vitamin c and methamphetamine.
Coriforte advertisement, 1966.
South African Medical Journal, Vol. 40, No. 21, p. xxvii.

Breaks Attacks of Cold & 'Flu!
Coriforte Capsules provide a direct counter-attack to severe colds and influenza. To the recognized anti-histaminic effect of Chlor-Trimeton, and the anti-pyretic, analgesic effect of A.P.C., has been added Vitamin C and the stimulant, methamphetamine, which counteracts any drowsiness which may occur.
With the use of Coriforte Capsules, post influenza depression is not seen. This is particularly useful after attacks of "Asiatic 'flu".
Coriforte treats the whole cold/influenza syndrome—and is sold on medical prescription only
Formula and presentation: Each capsule contains 4 mg. chlorpheniramine maleate, .19 gm. salicylamide, .13 gm. phenacetin, 30 mg. caffeine, 50 mg. ascorbic acid, 1.25 mg. methamphetamine hydrochloride.
Available in bottles of 16's and 100's       Public Price R0.90 (16's) (Subject to Dispensing Fee)
Dosage: One capsule every four to six hours.
Precautions: Insomnia may result if the capsules are taken in afternoon or early evening. Care should be exercised in cases of hypertension.   P.H.D
SCHERING CORPORATION U.S.A.       Scherag (Pty.) Ltd., P.O. Box 7539, Johannesburg     SCHERING U.S.A.     BWR 1592

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