Truly Marvelous Mental Medicine
Psychoneuropharmacological Odds & Ends

Click image for full-size view of each ad.

Sandoz Delysid LSD-25 Sandoz LSD when forced fluids are indicated Pepsi Rx
psychological dependence occasionally occurs Quaalude before breakfast make it a habit Drug pusher
to find youth at risk TeenScreen protect mental patients against escape Cheery detention windows
the layman depends on his eyes and nose How does the public measure healthfulness? the one mattress doctors praise and recommend Syko miracle mattress
over 400 commonly used drugs have been implicated in its aetiology The facts about xerostomia what price peace of mind? Psychosecurity
 impulsive and uncontrolled Deviant anti-social behavior minimal stimulation is required to produce an effective seizure Electro-sleep therapy
symmetric distribution of resting alpha activity in a normal subject Brain map why should we pay for visits to the shrink? Learn to see the sickness
this surgical instrument is called a leucotome Lobotomy tool regardless of etiology Mr. Cactus Head
eats spaghetti
no other medical or mental disorder accounts for the symptoms Cut through the fog of
Shift Work Sleep Disorder
drugs won't help Mentally ill,
or just an ass?
feel good bingo - depression screening game Feel Good Bingo Smoking increases the number of receptors in your brain that thrive on nicotine. Can't quit smoking?
It's not you.
It's your brain.
byproducts of the new industrial revolution: peptic ulcer, mid-forty infarction and anxiety reaction Computer-age compulsion prozac is intended - as are all Lilly medicines - for use only where a clear medical need exists and when the scientific data have determined safety and effectiveness Trivializing a serious illness
byproducts of the new industrial revolution: peptic ulcer, mid-forty infarction and anxiety reaction Methamphetamine
and Vitamin C
for colds & flu
Benzedrine Inhaler is available to High Altitude Flying Personnel - now an official item of issue in the Army Air Forces. Benzedrine U.S.A.

This online archive of psychiatric drug advertisements is constantly growing.
Let us know of anything that should be added to our collection.  Thank you!

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