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Marvelous Mental Medicine Show ~ Gallery of Modern & Vintage Drug Ads:
Early remedies
Thorazine shuffle
Stelazine straitjacket
Extrapyramidal scheme (selling drugs to treat diseases caused by drugs)
Women's issues
Kid stuff
A-typical scam
Noncompliant drug evasion ~ an effective prophylactic maneuver
This advertising violates international law, but who cares?
Neuropsychopharmacological odds & ends
Scientific studies:
Schizophrenia Treatment in 7 Easy Steps
Tratamento da esquizofrenia em 7 etapas fáceis
Addictive Properties of Shiitake Sesame Vinaigrette
Utilization of Placebo Rat Poison in Controlled Clinical Trials
Chemical Imbalance NOS: Useful Diagnostic Category?
Desequilíbrio Químico SOE: uma categoria útil para o diagnóstico?
Therapeutic Efficacy of Cash in the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression
Os benefícios terapêuticos do dinheiro no tratamento de ansiedade e depressão
Everything You Need to Know About Electroshock
Asymptomatic Depression: Invisible Epidemic and Huge Untapped Market
La dépression asymptomatique : une épidémie invisible, un marché inexploité
Asymptomatische Depression: Eine stille Epidemie mit hohem Marktpotenzial
Depressione Sottosoglia: l'epidemia silenziosa con alto potenziale di mercato
A Depressão Assintomática: epidemia invisível e vasto mercado ainda inexplorado
La Depresión Asintomática: epidemia invisible y gran mercado aún sin explotar
Asymptomatisk Depression: En osynlig epidemi och en stor outnyttjad marknad
Science Made Simple: Shopper's Guide to Mental Disorders
ADHD Made Simple
Anxiety & Panic Made Simple
Bipolar Made Simple
Depression Made Simple
Schizophrenia Made Simple
Special Bonus Section:
Canine Behavior Made Simple
Shopper's Guide to 22 Worthless Drugs
1,182 Abilify side effects
  819 Adderall side effects
1,658 Celexa side effects
1,989 Cymbalta side effects
1,994 Depakote side effects
2,356 Effexor side effects
1,366 Geodon side effects
1,100 Klonopin side effects
2,233 Lamictal side effects
1,886 Lexapro side effects
2,672 Neurontin side effects
2,497 Paxil side effects
1,817 Prozac side effects
1,935 Risperdal side effects
1,195 Ritalin & Concerta effects
1,656 Seroquel side effects
2,025 Strattera side effects
Strattera tuomoxiting fuzuoyong ~ baibicongsheng bbcs
2,270 Tegretol side effects
1,773 Wellbutrin side effects
1,356 Xanax side effects
2,194 Zoloft side effects
2,962 Zyprexa side effects
Dr. Bonkers for President Campaign Headquarters
Michigan FOIA Lawsuit Uncovers Psychiatry's Dark Secret
An Open Letter to Senator Grassley of Iowa
Wayne State University's prestigious "Addition Research Institute"
University of Michigan Depression Center: Way Beyond Sadness
Comments to the Federal Coordinating Council on Comparative
Effectiveness Research, by Grace E. Jackson, M.D.
The mentally ill are society's lepers:
On Being Sane in Insane Places
, by D.L. Rosenhan
A-Z Index to Fake Diseases,
Courtesy of the CDC
The Many Faces of Prozac
(fluoxetine hydrochloride)
Average rate of grey matter loss:
the more pills you swallow, the more brain tissue you lose
A little sampler of Chinese ADHD medicine
Advice to Eli Lilly & Co. shareholders: sell
Who remembers CATIE?
Newtown tragedy: What was found? What's missing?
See how the money flows: find YOUR doctor in our database
Remember Rebecca Riley 2002–2006
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