order a dozen from your druggist
Pabst Malt Extract

Baby's Future and Mother's Welfare Assured
"Just before baby comes" is the time when a woman needs "poise" and "balance." And there is double reason for exercising extreme care at this time. Not only is the welfare of the mother to be given every consideration -- but she wishes her baby to be born lusty and vigorous.
A Perfect Physical Condition Brings Mental Poise
Two things contribute to a perfectly organized body. They are Plenty of Fresh Air and Plenty of Sound Sleep. When these are obtained it is a certainty that every function harmonizes with every other function. Frequently the sound sleep is not possible. Usually this is the result of an impaired digestion -- nervous debility may be a contributing cause. Something is needed that will surely tone, and at the same time satisfy the bodily demands that its tonic properties set up. It is safe to say that such an ideal combination is malt and hops as found in Pabst Extract, the "Best" Tonic.
A direct nerve food is found in choice, fully-matured hops. It is the lupulin. This acts directly upon the frayed nerve centres, while the tonic properties of the hops also set up a healthy stomachic action with a demand for nutriment. And this is immediately supplied by the extract of rich barley malt, which supports the bodily wants and in its predigested form is acceptable to the weakest stomach.
A Boon to Nursing Mothers
At no time does this combined tonic and nutrient demonstrate its merits so strikingly as when employed by the nursing mother. It has those extraordinary properties that, at once, stimulate the lacteal glands and support them. Its beneficient action is soon apparent on the cheeks of the little one.
Pabst Extract is the Ideal Form of Malt and Hops
Such a combination provides the necessary elements required by nature to restore and maintain perfect health. It is a concentrated liquid food.
Try a Dozen Bottles
Order a dozen from your druggist today. Take a wine-glassful before each meal and at bed-time. Note the results.
A Free Booklet will be mailed you upon application. It leaves nothing to doubt. Write for it today.
Pabst Extract Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
The Joys of Motherhood
are increased ten-fold when both mother and babe enjoy perfect health. Called upon to bear a double burden, the expectant mother must have additional nourishment not supplied by ordinary foods.
Pabst Extract
The "Best" Tonic
prepares the way for happy, healthy motherhood. It is both a tonic and a food -- highly concentrated and pleasant to the taste. Soothes the nerves, strengthens the lacteal glands, invigorates mind and body and insures quiet, peaceful sleep.
Order a Dozen from Your Druggist -- Insist Upon It Being "Pabst"
It enables the entire system to readily cope with the strain of any excessive demands made upon it.
PABST EXTRACT CO., Milwaukee, Wis.

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